Happy almost 2016! I can't believe how fast the year went for me! Being a dietitian, I have had tons of calls and appointments scheduled for January already. I had a few clients who were interested in getting started now; however, most wanted to enjoy their last hurrah.
While I hate to put it so bluntly, most of my busiest times are during January, May, and September. It tends to be this kind of cycle: start in January (gym + eating better), last until about March, give-up for a little bit, start back up for May to get ready for the summer, let loose for the summer, get back on track for September (now that everyone is in school and in a better routine), fall off near Halloween and continue that way until January...rinse...and repeat! Now, some of you may be laughing and saying, "Yes, this is totally me!" Others may say, "No! I keep it going all year!" The goal of my post today is to give you real tips on how to make your New Year's resolutions stick (and stick longer than just February).
Brainstorm both long and short-term goals
When I say long-term goals, I am saying what is your ultimate goal? Say you want to lose 30 pounds, exercise more, or just lead a healthier life. Think about what you are going to do to accomplish those goals. These short-term goals can be to exercise 30 minutes a day for 3 times per week or to eat at least 3 vegetables per day or to drink water or unsweetened beverages instead of soda, and so on and so forth. Remember, when setting goals, make sure they are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely)!
Write down your goals.
Why is it important to write it down? For starters, it puts it plainly on paper for you to stare at! Post your goals around the house, on the fridge, or on the cabinet. I have clients that post their goals on the mirror to see in the morning, then post another note by the snacks. Then, if they go to snack on something they have to think about if what they are going to eat is going to help or hinder them reaching their goals. So, that being said make your goals a constant reminder!
Know your barriers
Whenever I talk to clients about their goals, we always talk about what will stand in their way. Maybe, you want to exercise more, but time is a barrier. Maybe, you want to eat healthier but your family is not supportive. Take a couple of minutes to write down all the barriers you have to reaching your goals. Then, write down how you can overcome those barriers. If time is an issue, write out your day and pick a time where you can exercise. This may mean swapping out 1 hour of TV for 1 hour at the gym or getting up 30 minutes earlier to do a quick workout at home. Acknowledging and facing your barriers will help to set you up for success!
Commit to yourself
Why is your goal important to you? Why do you want to run a marathon? Why do you want to eat healthier? Really think about what makes your goal important to you and you only. This is what will drive your motivation to reach your goals. After you think about why your goal is important, make a personal commitment to yourself. While there are so many excuses you can make for not doing something, YOU alone make the choice. Invest in yourself and your health. Stop thinking and worrying about what everyone else wants and says. Remember, that it is your body and you are your biggest supporter.
Track your progress
I feel like everyone is always saying this but seriously DO IT. Get a calendar or a notebook and write down every day that you reach your goal. Or, track your weight each week. Why is this helpful? If you get discouraged, you can see how much progress you have been making so far. I get a lot of clients feeling discouraged after working hard at their goal. I have been doing this exercise with them lately: Whenever you feel discouraged, write down at least 5 positive things you have accomplished so far. For example, maybe your goal was to lose 1 pound per week and you have been eating healthier every day. You step on the scale and the number didn't budge! When you write down your 5 things, you find that even though you didn't lose weight you went to the gym 3x, you ate more vegetables, you had less soda and more water, you walked farther on the treadmill, and you still got on the scale even though you didn't want to. More often than not, clients lose that commitment when they hit a rough patch. Remind yourself how awesome you are. Again, you are your biggest supporter!
Why do most people stop their "diets" or stop exercising or stop eating healthy? A lot of times it is due to boredom. Other times, it is due to someone reaching their goal, then going back to their old habits. Thinking back to the "track your progress" part, if you feel yourself getting bored or frustrated, reassess your goals. Are they still challenging? Are they still important to you? Do you need to step it up a bit?
Get Support
My last piece of advice is to get support. It can be from family, friends, co-workers, etc. When you fall off track or get frustrated have at least 1 person you can rely on to help remind you of your goals and why they are important to you. If you don't have someone in mind, consider joining a support group. I lead a support group at work and even though some of the participants have zero support at home, they find support in their classmates. It is so heartwarming to have someone express their frustration and hearing another participant speak up and remind them how great they are and how far they have come! (Did I mention I love my job :))
Hopefully, you will find something useful in this post to help YOU stick to your goals this New Year. Hope you enjoy the rest of 2015!
All about healthy eating as a lifestyle change and not a diet!
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
5 Tips for a Healthier Holiday Season (Halloween Edition)
We are coming up on that time of year full of holiday fun and FOOD! It is totally fine to indulge a little throughout the holidays (I mean what fun would it be if you didn't); but you don't need to go all willy nilly and toss aside all your healthy habits until January. We are coming up on Halloween, so here are 5 tips for keeping your Halloween a tad-bit healthier!
Tip #1: Don't Buy It!
Can't keep Halloween candy in the house without breaking into the bag? Don't buy it until it is very close to the 31st. Also, try buying candies/treats that you don't like. I mean if you buy some candy corn and hate it; chances are your not going to be found snacking on it. If you do buy candy you like, get the miniature sized ones.
Tip #2: Hide It!
If you come home hungry and the first thing you see is that bowl of Halloween candy, do you really think you can bypass that for veggies. I think not. Don't even tempt yourself. Put extra candy away in cabinets, behind other food items. Give yourself a barrier!
Tip #3: Don't Leave on an Empty Stomach!
Whether you are going to a Halloween party or out trick-or-treating with the kids, eat something before hand! If you go out on an empty stomach, your making it that much harder to choose healthy options. Have some veggies and hummus, apple and peanut butter, or a Greek yogurt with chopped nuts. Basically, you are trying to balance what you eat with a little protein, carbohydrates (fiber), and a vegetable.
Tip #4: Drink Water!
Apple cider, mixed drinks, pumpkin beers, etc. All of these holiday drinks tend to be loaded with empty calories and tons of sugar. Swap in 1 glass of water between drinks. Or try an unsweetened mixer instead of a sweetened one. Go for a lighter cider. Ha that rhymed :) Now, I'm not saying that you can't have them, but be sensible about it.
Tip #5: Keep Moving!
Did you have a large dinner? Did you overindulge in Halloween candy? Drink too much at a party? Instead of sitting around thinking about it, do something about it. Get out there and move. You can take a walk, go to the gym, do a workout video, etc. Not only will you be burning calories and getting your metabolism going, but also improving your mood and energy level.
Hope you found a tip in here that will help you as the holiday season gets rolling!
Tip #1: Don't Buy It!
Can't keep Halloween candy in the house without breaking into the bag? Don't buy it until it is very close to the 31st. Also, try buying candies/treats that you don't like. I mean if you buy some candy corn and hate it; chances are your not going to be found snacking on it. If you do buy candy you like, get the miniature sized ones.
Tip #2: Hide It!
If you come home hungry and the first thing you see is that bowl of Halloween candy, do you really think you can bypass that for veggies. I think not. Don't even tempt yourself. Put extra candy away in cabinets, behind other food items. Give yourself a barrier!
Tip #3: Don't Leave on an Empty Stomach!
Whether you are going to a Halloween party or out trick-or-treating with the kids, eat something before hand! If you go out on an empty stomach, your making it that much harder to choose healthy options. Have some veggies and hummus, apple and peanut butter, or a Greek yogurt with chopped nuts. Basically, you are trying to balance what you eat with a little protein, carbohydrates (fiber), and a vegetable.
Tip #4: Drink Water!
Apple cider, mixed drinks, pumpkin beers, etc. All of these holiday drinks tend to be loaded with empty calories and tons of sugar. Swap in 1 glass of water between drinks. Or try an unsweetened mixer instead of a sweetened one. Go for a lighter cider. Ha that rhymed :) Now, I'm not saying that you can't have them, but be sensible about it.
Tip #5: Keep Moving!
Did you have a large dinner? Did you overindulge in Halloween candy? Drink too much at a party? Instead of sitting around thinking about it, do something about it. Get out there and move. You can take a walk, go to the gym, do a workout video, etc. Not only will you be burning calories and getting your metabolism going, but also improving your mood and energy level.
Hope you found a tip in here that will help you as the holiday season gets rolling!
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Keys to Weight Loss Success: Goal Setting
Whether you want to lose weight or just maintain, the first thing you want to start off with is setting some goals for yourself. The best way to know where you are now and where you are planning to be is to set a long-term goal and supporting short-term goals. So, grab yourself a piece of paper and pen and let's get started!
Long-term goal
For your long-term goal, think about something you want to accomplish in the next 6-12 months. This can be a 30-pound weight-loss, decreased use of medications for disease, better overall eating plan, run a 5k etc. One thing I really want you to think about is why this goal is important to you. Maybe, you just want to look or feel better. Maybe, you want to fit into a certain piece of clothing. Whatever the importance is, write it down on paper. This is something that can help to keep you motivated as you begin your journey.
Short-term goals
Next, think about some small goals that will help you to accomplish your long-term goal. Let's say you want a healthier eating plan. Some short-term goals would be to eat 3 vegetables per day or 2 fruits per day. If you want to lose weight, maybe you will start increasing your physical activity so some goals might be to exercise 30-minutes per day or get a gym membership.
After you have all your goals on paper, think about what are some barriers to you reaching your goals. These could be lack of time, lack of support, inadequate knowledge, no access to gym equipment, etc. Then, think about ways you can get around these barriers. There is always going to be something standing in your way of your goals, the key is how you will plan to push through the barrier and stand victorious on the other side.
One of the most important things with accomplishing your goals is to track your progress. You can do this in a couple of ways. You can make or download a chart with the days of the week at the top. Then, you can check off the days you met your goal. You can also journal your intake or progress in a notebook. Lastly, you can use a phone, computer or tablet to download an app to track progress. My favorite is probably MyFitness Pal. It is free and has a ton of features. There is also a community setting where you can post updates. I really like that you can scan barcodes instead of just typing it all in. Tracking helps you to see where you are now and where you are at the end of each week. Even if you didn't meet your goal like you thought, you can think about ways to improve for next week. Think positively about your progress. Negativity about your week will only make it that much harder for you to keep motivated.
Here is an example of everything all put together:
Long-term goal: Improve overall health
Short-term goals: Increase fruit intake to 2 per day. Increase vegetable intake to 3 per day. Plan meals.
Barriers: Lack of time. Unsure how to make food taste good
Ways to get around barriers: Prep meals in advance on days off. Stock up fridge with frozen cut veggies for convenience. Subscribe to a daily healthy recipe via email.
Tracking: Use MyFitness Pal to track intake.
Don't forget that this is a lifestyle change, not a diet; so if you slip up, don't beat yourself up over it!
Long-term goal
For your long-term goal, think about something you want to accomplish in the next 6-12 months. This can be a 30-pound weight-loss, decreased use of medications for disease, better overall eating plan, run a 5k etc. One thing I really want you to think about is why this goal is important to you. Maybe, you just want to look or feel better. Maybe, you want to fit into a certain piece of clothing. Whatever the importance is, write it down on paper. This is something that can help to keep you motivated as you begin your journey.
Short-term goals
Next, think about some small goals that will help you to accomplish your long-term goal. Let's say you want a healthier eating plan. Some short-term goals would be to eat 3 vegetables per day or 2 fruits per day. If you want to lose weight, maybe you will start increasing your physical activity so some goals might be to exercise 30-minutes per day or get a gym membership.
After you have all your goals on paper, think about what are some barriers to you reaching your goals. These could be lack of time, lack of support, inadequate knowledge, no access to gym equipment, etc. Then, think about ways you can get around these barriers. There is always going to be something standing in your way of your goals, the key is how you will plan to push through the barrier and stand victorious on the other side.
One of the most important things with accomplishing your goals is to track your progress. You can do this in a couple of ways. You can make or download a chart with the days of the week at the top. Then, you can check off the days you met your goal. You can also journal your intake or progress in a notebook. Lastly, you can use a phone, computer or tablet to download an app to track progress. My favorite is probably MyFitness Pal. It is free and has a ton of features. There is also a community setting where you can post updates. I really like that you can scan barcodes instead of just typing it all in. Tracking helps you to see where you are now and where you are at the end of each week. Even if you didn't meet your goal like you thought, you can think about ways to improve for next week. Think positively about your progress. Negativity about your week will only make it that much harder for you to keep motivated.
Here is an example of everything all put together:
Long-term goal: Improve overall health
Short-term goals: Increase fruit intake to 2 per day. Increase vegetable intake to 3 per day. Plan meals.
Barriers: Lack of time. Unsure how to make food taste good
Ways to get around barriers: Prep meals in advance on days off. Stock up fridge with frozen cut veggies for convenience. Subscribe to a daily healthy recipe via email.
Tracking: Use MyFitness Pal to track intake.
Don't forget that this is a lifestyle change, not a diet; so if you slip up, don't beat yourself up over it!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
How Can I Lose 10 Pounds?
"How can I lose 10 pounds?" That is probably the number 1 most asked question of an RD. While I have no statistics to back up my statement, I am almost certain it is at least in the top 3. That along with "How can I lose weight fast?"
Once someone asked me, "Tell me how to lose weight." I said, "Well, that's a loaded question." She looked at me like I had 6 heads. Weight-loss advice is not something to be given in a short amount of time. There is no quick fix or magic pill. Hate to break it to you :) If you see a program saying you can "blast away the fat" or "lose 10 pounds in a week" or selling some magical drink, run away...very quickly! Most of these programs do not work! They get you to buy their expensive products, but don't teach you how to make healthy choices. While you might lose weight, once you stop you have yourself a problem. I have seen so many clients where they tried this diet or that program and then say when they stopped the weight came back on. Most people tell me they still don't know how to eat healthy after being on that "diet". Now, I am not knocking every sort of program out there, just making a generalization about the majority I see every day.
As a dietitian, I typically run through the same points with everyone. It all starts with your current diet. You have to analyze where you are now and be totally honest with yourself.
Ask yourself these questions:
-->Are you getting 3-4 servings of vegetables (or more) per day?
-->Are you eating 2-3 servings of fruit (or more) per day?
-->Are you hitting your fiber intake (generally around 25g per day)?
-->Are you drinking enough water?
-->Are you avoiding drinking your calories like in juices, sodas, and sweetened teas?
-->Are you choosing whole grains over processed refined grains?
-->Are you eating lean proteins with every meal (eggs, chicken, tofu, nuts, seeds, etc)?
-->Are you eating less than 1 sweet per day?
-->Are you eating every 3-4 hours?
In order to answer some of those questions, it is probably best if you do a 3-day or 7-day food journal. Simply write down everything you eat or drink throughout the day. Note the time you eat too because that can help show you if you have gone too long without eating.
From there, figure out a weekly goal. It could be to eat 2 vegetables every day (an increase from your one a day). Or it could be to increase your water consumption from 6 to 8 glasses per day! At the end of the week, look at your progress. Ask yourself if you feel your goal was accomplished or if you still want to work with it. If you did meet your goal, it doesn't mean forget it; it means add something else to it! Maybe the next week you try and have 2 fruits and 2 vegetables every day. Always remember to make your goals SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely).
After you have planned your goal, think about ways you can accomplish this. Maybe, you are going to drink more water. Do you have access to water throughout the day? Do you have a reusable water bottle you can take with you? It is always best to plan ahead! I have a 32-ounce reusable water bottle and I love it! It keeps my water cold for hours and it holds a lot so I don't have to find a water fountain at work all the time.
While exercise is important for weight-loss, I always start with diet first (being the dietitian I am). A lot of times I have people who are not motivated to exercise or cannot because of their size. Usually, your food intake is the best place to start.
My last piece of advice is to focus on one goal at a time; master it and add a new one. Don't start changing everything at once. Remember, you are working towards a healthier lifestyle and moving away from the quick-fix-diets. Change takes time so don't be hard on yourself. If you get to the end of the week and you don't feel that great about where you are with your goals, think about ways to improve. Use set-backs as learning experiences and a new place to start. Remind yourself how far you have already come and how awesome it is that you decided to start!
Anyone have a goal they are working on now? How are you doing with accomplishing your goal?
Once someone asked me, "Tell me how to lose weight." I said, "Well, that's a loaded question." She looked at me like I had 6 heads. Weight-loss advice is not something to be given in a short amount of time. There is no quick fix or magic pill. Hate to break it to you :) If you see a program saying you can "blast away the fat" or "lose 10 pounds in a week" or selling some magical drink, run away...very quickly! Most of these programs do not work! They get you to buy their expensive products, but don't teach you how to make healthy choices. While you might lose weight, once you stop you have yourself a problem. I have seen so many clients where they tried this diet or that program and then say when they stopped the weight came back on. Most people tell me they still don't know how to eat healthy after being on that "diet". Now, I am not knocking every sort of program out there, just making a generalization about the majority I see every day.
As a dietitian, I typically run through the same points with everyone. It all starts with your current diet. You have to analyze where you are now and be totally honest with yourself.
Ask yourself these questions:
-->Are you getting 3-4 servings of vegetables (or more) per day?
-->Are you eating 2-3 servings of fruit (or more) per day?
-->Are you hitting your fiber intake (generally around 25g per day)?
-->Are you drinking enough water?
-->Are you avoiding drinking your calories like in juices, sodas, and sweetened teas?
-->Are you choosing whole grains over processed refined grains?
-->Are you eating lean proteins with every meal (eggs, chicken, tofu, nuts, seeds, etc)?
-->Are you eating less than 1 sweet per day?
-->Are you eating every 3-4 hours?
In order to answer some of those questions, it is probably best if you do a 3-day or 7-day food journal. Simply write down everything you eat or drink throughout the day. Note the time you eat too because that can help show you if you have gone too long without eating.
From there, figure out a weekly goal. It could be to eat 2 vegetables every day (an increase from your one a day). Or it could be to increase your water consumption from 6 to 8 glasses per day! At the end of the week, look at your progress. Ask yourself if you feel your goal was accomplished or if you still want to work with it. If you did meet your goal, it doesn't mean forget it; it means add something else to it! Maybe the next week you try and have 2 fruits and 2 vegetables every day. Always remember to make your goals SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely).
After you have planned your goal, think about ways you can accomplish this. Maybe, you are going to drink more water. Do you have access to water throughout the day? Do you have a reusable water bottle you can take with you? It is always best to plan ahead! I have a 32-ounce reusable water bottle and I love it! It keeps my water cold for hours and it holds a lot so I don't have to find a water fountain at work all the time.
While exercise is important for weight-loss, I always start with diet first (being the dietitian I am). A lot of times I have people who are not motivated to exercise or cannot because of their size. Usually, your food intake is the best place to start.
My last piece of advice is to focus on one goal at a time; master it and add a new one. Don't start changing everything at once. Remember, you are working towards a healthier lifestyle and moving away from the quick-fix-diets. Change takes time so don't be hard on yourself. If you get to the end of the week and you don't feel that great about where you are with your goals, think about ways to improve. Use set-backs as learning experiences and a new place to start. Remind yourself how far you have already come and how awesome it is that you decided to start!
Anyone have a goal they are working on now? How are you doing with accomplishing your goal?
Sunday, May 24, 2015
5 Tips for Battling the Memorial Day BBQs
It is officially the start of grilling season! That means food, drinks, and more food. Anyone getting a little worried about "going off their diet" with all the festivities? Here are some tips for keeping on track through the BBQs, parties, and summertime bashes!
Tip #1: Don't skip meals
So many people skip breakfast if they are going to an afternoon BBQ. They tell me they are "trying to save calories." Throw this logic out the window! When you skip meals, your metabolism slows down and you tend to eat more at the next meal to overcompensate. I'm not saying to stuff yourself before you head out; however, eat something with a protein and a carbohydrate (peanut butter + apples or Egg + WW toast) to keep hunger at bay!
Tip #2: Bring your own healthy dish
Let's say your going to your neighbors house and they are the least healthy eaters ever. You know there will be very little that will be healthy. What do you do? Bring your own healthy dish! Maybe it is a veggie salad or fruit dessert. Sure you can indulge in what is offered; however, you can lean on your dish for some better nutrition. Try bringing fruit kabobs! Use long toothpicks and thread on grapes, kiwis, pineapples, etc.
Tip #3: Assess before you eat
Instead of just grabbing before you think, walk by the food options and plan out what your going to eat. Maybe there are hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, pasta salad, potato salad, and grilled veggies. What should you choose? The best option would be your chicken and grilled veggies. You could add a pasta or potato salad for a carbohydrate as well. Maybe you want both pasta and potato salad? Do a small serving of each (not a huge scoop). Maybe you want the burger and salads. Forgo the bun and dig into your salads. Again, think protein and carbohydrate (plus some non-starchy veggies if you got em).
Tip #4: Sip healthy
Margaritas, wine coolers and beers can all add up calorie wise. Remember to drink some water in between. It will help cut your intake and keep you hydrated. Try a wine spritzer as another option. Simply halve your wine with some seltzer water. Not looking to drink but want to stop everyone from bugging you about drinking? Grab a seltzer and add lemons/limes! You can also apply the same principle from Tip #2 here too!
Tip #5: Do a reality check
So, maybe you went to a party/BBQ and all nutritional restraints went out the window. Don't panic but do a reality check. How much did you really splurge? Was it just one brownie or did you eat the whole tray? Did you eat sensibly that week? Maybe you did overdo it. Instead of moping on the couch or eating more, get up and move! Take a walk, go for a run, hit the gym. Get back on track at the next meal or next day. Remember to drink water and fill up on fiber-rich foods to keep your digestive system running smoothly. And last but certainly not least, don't be so hard on yourself :)
Tip #1: Don't skip meals
So many people skip breakfast if they are going to an afternoon BBQ. They tell me they are "trying to save calories." Throw this logic out the window! When you skip meals, your metabolism slows down and you tend to eat more at the next meal to overcompensate. I'm not saying to stuff yourself before you head out; however, eat something with a protein and a carbohydrate (peanut butter + apples or Egg + WW toast) to keep hunger at bay!
Tip #2: Bring your own healthy dish
Let's say your going to your neighbors house and they are the least healthy eaters ever. You know there will be very little that will be healthy. What do you do? Bring your own healthy dish! Maybe it is a veggie salad or fruit dessert. Sure you can indulge in what is offered; however, you can lean on your dish for some better nutrition. Try bringing fruit kabobs! Use long toothpicks and thread on grapes, kiwis, pineapples, etc.
Tip #3: Assess before you eat
Instead of just grabbing before you think, walk by the food options and plan out what your going to eat. Maybe there are hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, pasta salad, potato salad, and grilled veggies. What should you choose? The best option would be your chicken and grilled veggies. You could add a pasta or potato salad for a carbohydrate as well. Maybe you want both pasta and potato salad? Do a small serving of each (not a huge scoop). Maybe you want the burger and salads. Forgo the bun and dig into your salads. Again, think protein and carbohydrate (plus some non-starchy veggies if you got em).
Tip #4: Sip healthy
Margaritas, wine coolers and beers can all add up calorie wise. Remember to drink some water in between. It will help cut your intake and keep you hydrated. Try a wine spritzer as another option. Simply halve your wine with some seltzer water. Not looking to drink but want to stop everyone from bugging you about drinking? Grab a seltzer and add lemons/limes! You can also apply the same principle from Tip #2 here too!
Tip #5: Do a reality check
So, maybe you went to a party/BBQ and all nutritional restraints went out the window. Don't panic but do a reality check. How much did you really splurge? Was it just one brownie or did you eat the whole tray? Did you eat sensibly that week? Maybe you did overdo it. Instead of moping on the couch or eating more, get up and move! Take a walk, go for a run, hit the gym. Get back on track at the next meal or next day. Remember to drink water and fill up on fiber-rich foods to keep your digestive system running smoothly. And last but certainly not least, don't be so hard on yourself :)
Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
5 Tips for Getting Fit for Summer
We are getting into warmer days now, so it is time to start thinking of getting yourself in shape (if you haven't done so already)! The past week, I have been getting a lot more clients asking about weight-loss and how to "lose the belly fat." While nutrition is a huge part of getting the body you want, exercise is also a major player. Getting "in shape" doesn't mean you have to get a gym membership, especially if you know you will never go! Simply moving more throughout the day can help you to get on track for the healthy body you want.

5 Tips for Getting Fit for Summer
1. Find an activity you enjoy!
Don't just walk on the treadmill or go to a Zumba class if you know you will hate it. Try new things like swimming, weight training, or biking. If you like what you are doing, you are way more likely to keep it going!
2. Schedule when you will exercise!
If you get a gym membership, think about when you will actually go and set aside that time. Lay out your exercise clothes from the night before or keep a gym bag in your car!
3. Move every hour!
If you are normally sitting throughout the day, like most Americans are, make it a point to get up every hour for 5 minutes. Walk around the office or do some squats at your desk. It is actually better for your health to move more frequently than to sit all day and hit the gym for 2 hours.
4. Take a brisk walk!
Walking is a great way to boost your cardiorespiratory endurance and improve your heart health. I recently had a client say that walks with her dog don't seem to do much for her since her pooch is always stopping to sniff. My advice was to jog in place or do 1/2 squats while waiting. You can also drop off your furry friend and head out for a more brisk walk on your own.
5. Don't forget to stretch!
Think of this scenario: you start exercising and you are very motivated. Within the first week, you pull a muscle and your back to square one! Now, you have to wait 2 weeks until your back at it again. Keep yourself flexible to help prevent injuries. Practice some light stretching before and after working out. Try out yoga, tai chi, or Pilates too!
On a recipe note, I made this salsa for a demo at work and everyone loved it! If you look at the original recipe, there are a few different measurements and ingredients. I made a few adjustments based on my work population. The salsa is very light and refreshing. Great for a party :)
Navel Orange Salsa
3 Navel oranges, segmented and diced
8 Roma tomatoes, diced
1/2 small sweet onion, diced
3T fresh cilantro, minced
Dash salt and pepper
1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.
2. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
3. Serve with chips or use as a topping for fish or chicken.
Adapted from: www.sunkist.com
5 Tips for Getting Fit for Summer
1. Find an activity you enjoy!
Don't just walk on the treadmill or go to a Zumba class if you know you will hate it. Try new things like swimming, weight training, or biking. If you like what you are doing, you are way more likely to keep it going!
2. Schedule when you will exercise!
If you get a gym membership, think about when you will actually go and set aside that time. Lay out your exercise clothes from the night before or keep a gym bag in your car!
3. Move every hour!
If you are normally sitting throughout the day, like most Americans are, make it a point to get up every hour for 5 minutes. Walk around the office or do some squats at your desk. It is actually better for your health to move more frequently than to sit all day and hit the gym for 2 hours.
4. Take a brisk walk!
Walking is a great way to boost your cardiorespiratory endurance and improve your heart health. I recently had a client say that walks with her dog don't seem to do much for her since her pooch is always stopping to sniff. My advice was to jog in place or do 1/2 squats while waiting. You can also drop off your furry friend and head out for a more brisk walk on your own.
5. Don't forget to stretch!
Think of this scenario: you start exercising and you are very motivated. Within the first week, you pull a muscle and your back to square one! Now, you have to wait 2 weeks until your back at it again. Keep yourself flexible to help prevent injuries. Practice some light stretching before and after working out. Try out yoga, tai chi, or Pilates too!
On a recipe note, I made this salsa for a demo at work and everyone loved it! If you look at the original recipe, there are a few different measurements and ingredients. I made a few adjustments based on my work population. The salsa is very light and refreshing. Great for a party :)
Navel Orange Salsa
3 Navel oranges, segmented and diced
8 Roma tomatoes, diced
1/2 small sweet onion, diced
3T fresh cilantro, minced
Dash salt and pepper
1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.
2. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
3. Serve with chips or use as a topping for fish or chicken.
Adapted from: www.sunkist.com
Sunday, March 1, 2015
National Nutrition Month
March starts one of my favorite times of the year, National Nutrition Month! This is a nutrition education and information campaign held annually by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Basically, it focuses on how important it is to develop healthy eating and physical activity habits. This year's theme is "Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle." Also in March is Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day (March 11). This is a time to not only recognize RDNs for their awesome job of helping people develop healthier lifestyles, but also, to increase awareness of RDNs as providers of food and nutrition services. For more information, check out the NNM site.
Going along with the "Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle" theme, here are 5 tips for keeping your meals healthy!
1. Build your meal around your lean protein. I always get people who ask me what to eat for dinner. My first response is what is your protein (chicken, fish, tofu, etc). Then, we think about what goes well with it. For example, you have chicken for dinner so maybe you plan some steamed broccoli and roasted potatoes. Or if you have fish, maybe you plan for stewed tomatoes and rice. Or maybe you want to do a chicken stir fry with rice and string beans. Don't overcomplicate your meals. Just remember you want a lean protein, non-starchy vegetable, and starch (could be vegetable or other carb).
2. Eat slowly and put your fork down between bites. Let your body have time to digest and tell you you are full. Also, don't "clean your plate." Wrap up your extra dinner for a balanced packed lunch the next day!
3. Check in with mindfulness. Before grabbing a snack from the cabinet, think to yourself, "Am I really hungry?" Sometimes we eat out of boredom or stress. Instead of immediately grabbing for the chips or cookies, drink a glass of water or hot tea. Then, take a walk or read a book for 10 minutes. If hunger still strikes, then reach for a healthy snack (veggies and dip, Greek yogurt, apple and peanut butter, etc).
4. Eat from a plate, not a package. Read the food label and portion out a serving size into a bowl. When we eat from the package, it turns into mindless eating. Most of the time we don't realize how much we ate until the whole package is gone!
5. Plan your meals and snacks. You can do this in a couple of forms. One way is to pick a day to batch cook a few meals/sides. Then, each day you can just pull from what you already made. Another way is to simply write down what you plan to make for the week. From this information, you can build your shopping list (remember to stick to it)! Having planned meals and snacks can help to decrease grabbing unhealthy foods out of convenience.
Happy National Nutrition Month and Happy soon-to-be Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day to all of my fellow RDNs :)
Going along with the "Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle" theme, here are 5 tips for keeping your meals healthy!
1. Build your meal around your lean protein. I always get people who ask me what to eat for dinner. My first response is what is your protein (chicken, fish, tofu, etc). Then, we think about what goes well with it. For example, you have chicken for dinner so maybe you plan some steamed broccoli and roasted potatoes. Or if you have fish, maybe you plan for stewed tomatoes and rice. Or maybe you want to do a chicken stir fry with rice and string beans. Don't overcomplicate your meals. Just remember you want a lean protein, non-starchy vegetable, and starch (could be vegetable or other carb).
2. Eat slowly and put your fork down between bites. Let your body have time to digest and tell you you are full. Also, don't "clean your plate." Wrap up your extra dinner for a balanced packed lunch the next day!
3. Check in with mindfulness. Before grabbing a snack from the cabinet, think to yourself, "Am I really hungry?" Sometimes we eat out of boredom or stress. Instead of immediately grabbing for the chips or cookies, drink a glass of water or hot tea. Then, take a walk or read a book for 10 minutes. If hunger still strikes, then reach for a healthy snack (veggies and dip, Greek yogurt, apple and peanut butter, etc).
4. Eat from a plate, not a package. Read the food label and portion out a serving size into a bowl. When we eat from the package, it turns into mindless eating. Most of the time we don't realize how much we ate until the whole package is gone!
5. Plan your meals and snacks. You can do this in a couple of forms. One way is to pick a day to batch cook a few meals/sides. Then, each day you can just pull from what you already made. Another way is to simply write down what you plan to make for the week. From this information, you can build your shopping list (remember to stick to it)! Having planned meals and snacks can help to decrease grabbing unhealthy foods out of convenience.
Happy National Nutrition Month and Happy soon-to-be Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day to all of my fellow RDNs :)
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Almond Milk vs. Coconut Milk
Almond milk has become an increasingly popular substitute for those with food allergies or intolerances. Almond milk is a creamy, nutty beverage made by toasting and grinding almonds; then, blending them with filtered water. Almonds are naturally low in sugar and provide a vast amount of nutrients for your body. Almond milk is also lactose, gluten, dairy, and casein free (This is good news for me since I am lactose intolerant!). On the glycemic index, unsweetened almond milk falls on the low end, which means a lesser rise in your blood sugar.
1 cup of unsweetened almond milk contains 30 calories (100 calories less than 2% milk), 2.5g fat, 45% DV for calcium, 50% DV for vitamin B12, and 25% DV for vitaminD. Almond milk also contains 30% of your DV for riboflavin and 50% of your DV for Vitamin E, which decreases inflammation in the body.
Coconut milk is made by pressing coconut pulp to release the cream, which is blended with filtered water and other ingredients. Coconut milk has a mildly nutty flavor and is dairy free. Fun fact, coconuts are really a fruit! 1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk provides 45 calories, 4.5g fat, and <1g carbohydrates. Coconut milk contains the same amount of vitamin D (25% DV) as regular milk and 50% DV for vitamin B12. Coconuts have antimicrobial and antibacterial agents, which can aide in immune health. Coconuts also supply medium chain fatty acids (MUFAs), which can decrease inflammation in the body.
So, are almond and coconut milk better than regular old 2%? While coconut and almond milk are both nutrient powerhouses with more calcium than 2% milk and less calories, they do lack protein. This limited protein supply does not need to pose an issue if you are already consuming other protein sources throughout your day. Almond or coconut milk can be implemented in a diet where other dairy foods are lacking due to culture, preference, allergies, or intolerances.
Check out this site to make your own almond milk --> http://wellnessmama.com/366/organic-almond-milk/
Green Protein Smoothie
Yield: 1 serving
1c milk (almond or coconut)
1c fresh kale
1/2 cucumber (peeled)
1/2 frozen banana
1 scoop vanilla protein (optional)
1c ice
1. Combine all ingredients in blender and process until smooth.
Nutrition Facts
290 calories, 4.5g fat, 41g carbohydrates, 25g protein, 4g fiber
150% DV vitamin A, 150% DV vitamin C, 60% DV calcium
1 cup of unsweetened almond milk contains 30 calories (100 calories less than 2% milk), 2.5g fat, 45% DV for calcium, 50% DV for vitamin B12, and 25% DV for vitaminD. Almond milk also contains 30% of your DV for riboflavin and 50% of your DV for Vitamin E, which decreases inflammation in the body.
Coconut milk is made by pressing coconut pulp to release the cream, which is blended with filtered water and other ingredients. Coconut milk has a mildly nutty flavor and is dairy free. Fun fact, coconuts are really a fruit! 1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk provides 45 calories, 4.5g fat, and <1g carbohydrates. Coconut milk contains the same amount of vitamin D (25% DV) as regular milk and 50% DV for vitamin B12. Coconuts have antimicrobial and antibacterial agents, which can aide in immune health. Coconuts also supply medium chain fatty acids (MUFAs), which can decrease inflammation in the body.
So, are almond and coconut milk better than regular old 2%? While coconut and almond milk are both nutrient powerhouses with more calcium than 2% milk and less calories, they do lack protein. This limited protein supply does not need to pose an issue if you are already consuming other protein sources throughout your day. Almond or coconut milk can be implemented in a diet where other dairy foods are lacking due to culture, preference, allergies, or intolerances.
Check out this site to make your own almond milk --> http://wellnessmama.com/366/organic-almond-milk/
Green Protein Smoothie
Yield: 1 serving
1c milk (almond or coconut)
1c fresh kale
1/2 cucumber (peeled)
1/2 frozen banana
1 scoop vanilla protein (optional)
1c ice
1. Combine all ingredients in blender and process until smooth.
Nutrition Facts
290 calories, 4.5g fat, 41g carbohydrates, 25g protein, 4g fiber
150% DV vitamin A, 150% DV vitamin C, 60% DV calcium
almond milk,
coconut milk,
gluten free,
health benefits,
healthy recipes,
lactose free,
registered dietitian,
smoothie recipes,
vitamin d,
vitamin e
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Chocolate Dipped Oranges
Part of my job as a Retail Dietitian is doing healthy food demonstrations. In one of my recent demos, I highlighted oranges; mainly because of cold and flu season (Vitamin C) and they were on sale. It was so funny doing this demo because I got a ton of people saying either, "This is healthy?" or "I never thought to combine chocolate and oranges." Most people have the impression that healthy eating is bland or boring. Then when you present these people with healthy recipes that taste good, they are in shock! The way you prepare food and how good it tastes is completely subjective. Get creative in the kitchen and try new recipes and spices to spruce up your meals! While you are at it, try my chocolate dipped oranges for a sweet snack:)
How to Select/Store Oranges
Select an orange that is firm, shiny, and heavy for its size. The fruit should be free of any soft spots or wrinkles. Oranges should be kept in a cool, well-ventilated area. You can store in the fridge for 2 weeks or at room temperature for 4 days.
Chocolate Dipped Oranges
2-4 ounces of dark chocolate
1 medium orange, peeled and segmented
1. Line a baking sheet with wax or parchment paper.
2. Melt chocolate (microwave or double broiler). Dip orange segments in chocolate and transfer to baking sheet. Set aside until chocolate hardens. Serve at room temperature.
**I found it easier to only dip 1/2 of one side of the orange. This way I didn't lose any chocolate when I removed the oranges for serving. You can also use clementines instead!
For about 1/2 the orange with chocolate, your looking at about 180 calories. Not too shabby for a sweet treat. Not to mention the 75% of your daily value of Vitamin C :)
How to Select/Store Oranges
Select an orange that is firm, shiny, and heavy for its size. The fruit should be free of any soft spots or wrinkles. Oranges should be kept in a cool, well-ventilated area. You can store in the fridge for 2 weeks or at room temperature for 4 days.
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My Chocolate Dipped Oranges :) |
2-4 ounces of dark chocolate
1 medium orange, peeled and segmented
1. Line a baking sheet with wax or parchment paper.
2. Melt chocolate (microwave or double broiler). Dip orange segments in chocolate and transfer to baking sheet. Set aside until chocolate hardens. Serve at room temperature.
**I found it easier to only dip 1/2 of one side of the orange. This way I didn't lose any chocolate when I removed the oranges for serving. You can also use clementines instead!
For about 1/2 the orange with chocolate, your looking at about 180 calories. Not too shabby for a sweet treat. Not to mention the 75% of your daily value of Vitamin C :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
So, it has been quite a long time since my last blog! With the holidays and work, I kept putting off writing one. Lately, I have been getting a lot of questions about super foods and flaxseeds. What are they good for? How can you cook with them? What are they?! Probably most of the questions are stemming from the fact that it is a new year and everyone is trying to get and stay healthy. Go figure :)
What Are Flaxseeds?
Flaxseeds, aka linseed, come from the flax plant. The seeds have been used since ancient times for their various health benefits. Flaxseeds contain lignans, which possess antioxidant qualities.
What Are The Health Benefits?
The tiny seeds are a great source of both Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Omega-3s can help to decrease inflammation in the body. They can also reduce the amount of lipids circulating in your bloodstream. Just 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds contain 2400mg of Omega-3 fatty acids. You can also find Omega-3s in walnuts, hemp seeds, and pumpkin seeds! The fiber in flaxseeds can help you to maintain a healthy weight, lower your risk of diabetes, keep you fuller for longer, and decrease your cholesterol. Two tablespoons of flaxseed contain 4g of fiber!
How Can You Eat/Cook With Flaxseeds?
Flaxseeds can be eaten whole or ground (more bioavailable). They can be added to baked goods, cereals, salads, or casseroles. I love breading chicken in flaxseeds! Flaxseeds can also be mixed into a mayo or mustard when making a sandwich. Try topping your yogurt with ground flaxseeds for a boost of Omega-3 fatty acids.
My favorite brand of flaxseeds is probably Bob's Red Mill. I get the ground version because it is much cheaper and tends to mix better into what I am making. Also, it doesn't get stuck in my teeth like the whole flaxseed does!
If you are looking for a new recipe to try Healthy Flax has a great recipe for a Pecan Flax Pilaf. Happy flax eating!
What Are Flaxseeds?
Flaxseeds, aka linseed, come from the flax plant. The seeds have been used since ancient times for their various health benefits. Flaxseeds contain lignans, which possess antioxidant qualities.
Whole flaxseeds |
The tiny seeds are a great source of both Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Omega-3s can help to decrease inflammation in the body. They can also reduce the amount of lipids circulating in your bloodstream. Just 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds contain 2400mg of Omega-3 fatty acids. You can also find Omega-3s in walnuts, hemp seeds, and pumpkin seeds! The fiber in flaxseeds can help you to maintain a healthy weight, lower your risk of diabetes, keep you fuller for longer, and decrease your cholesterol. Two tablespoons of flaxseed contain 4g of fiber!
Flaxseeds can be eaten whole or ground (more bioavailable). They can be added to baked goods, cereals, salads, or casseroles. I love breading chicken in flaxseeds! Flaxseeds can also be mixed into a mayo or mustard when making a sandwich. Try topping your yogurt with ground flaxseeds for a boost of Omega-3 fatty acids.
My favorite brand of flaxseeds is probably Bob's Red Mill. I get the ground version because it is much cheaper and tends to mix better into what I am making. Also, it doesn't get stuck in my teeth like the whole flaxseed does!
If you are looking for a new recipe to try Healthy Flax has a great recipe for a Pecan Flax Pilaf. Happy flax eating!
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