Thursday, November 2, 2017

Spicing Up Your Vegetables

Welcome back to PorrazzaNutrition! If you read the last blog with tips for choosing bitter and sweet veggies, then you may be back to learn just how to spice up the flavor! Once you choose a vegetable, the next step is sprucing them up with herbs, spices or other foods. Check out the steps below for how to create vegetable dishes that you will actually enjoy eating!

Step #1: Pick a Veggie
Start with a vegetable you already enjoy or choose one that you have never had before. Trying new vegetables can expand your horizon to increase your vegetable intake. If you didn't like certain vegetables in the past, try them again now with a variation of spices or cooking methods to see if they make it back into your favorites!

Step #2: Choose a Way to Spice or Sweeten your Veggie
There are many ways you can add flavor to your vegetables for enjoyment. Making your vegetables either spicy, sour or salty can balance out the bitterness of the vegetable. Adding healthy sweets or healthy fats (like avocado, nuts, or olive oil) can also soften the bitter taste of vegetables.

- For spicy flavors, try black or red pepper, ginger, cumin, paprika, garlic, or fresh chilies.
- For a more sour flavor, try lemons, limes, vinegar, or fermented veggies like kimchi, pickles, or sauerkraut. Just keep an eye on the sodium content for these items.
- For a tangy flavor with some sweetness, try adding orange slices, sweet onions, or even olives.

Step #3: Pick a Cooking Method
Make sure to wash under running water your fresh vegetables before eating or cooking. Some healthy ways to cook your vegetables could be through steaming, sauteing, grilling, baking or braising!

Challenge yourself to trying a new vegetable this week! Leave a comment and let me know how it goes!

Guest post written with the assistance of Biancha Jackson, a current Cedar Crest Distance Dietetic Intern. 

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