Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Give Your Meal a Nutritious Boost

Looking for some ways to boost the nutritional content of your meal? Try out some of these quick and easy tips!

-Have leftover chicken from dinner? Forget your traditional cereal breakfast and go for a protein-packed, filling meal.
-Top oatmeal or cold cereal with sliced bananas, strawberries, or blueberries for some vitamins, minerals and fiber!
-Whip up an omelet with cancer-fighting veggies. Add avocado for some healthy fats.
-Instead of adding sugar to oatmeal, try some cinnamon instead.
-When making waffles or pancakes, sneak in some protein powder for a quick boost.
-Blend together a quick smoothie with fresh fruit and nut butter for a filling treat!

-Add extra veggies to your soups and salads.
-Add avocado slices to your sandwich for a boost of Vitamin E, Potassium, healthy fats, and Folate.
-Top spinach salads with tomatoes or fresh oranges. The Vitamin C in the oranges/tomatoes will help you to absorb the iron from the spinach.
-Food process mixed nuts, coconut oil, and cocoa powder for a nutty spread.
-Shred carrots or zucchini into meatloaf (or muffins) to add nutrients and fiber.
-Bread chicken in coconut or almond flour for extra fiber and protein.

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