When choosing different vegetables, keep in mind your preference for bitter and/or sweet taste. There are many vegetables with a natural sweetness that can satisfy a sugar craving. Actually, roasting vegetables in general will help bring out their natural sweet flavors! Check out the lists below of the least to most bitter vegetables and also those with a bit more sweetness! Choose your favorites or try something new based on your taste preferences.
Bitter Vegetables (from least to most bitter)

-Belgian Endive
-Swiss Chard
-Collard Greens
-Dandelion Greens
Sweet Vegetables (from least to most sweetest)
-Red Radishes
-Green Cabbage
-Sweet Potatoes
-Sweet Onions
-Winter Squash
Knowing the levels of bitterness and sweetness of vegetables can help you to choose those that you actually enjoy eating! Give a new vegetable a try and leave a comment to let us know your thoughts!
Stay tuned for next week's blog, which will feature some of the best ways to flavor your vegetables!
Guest post written with the assistance of Biancha Jackson, a current Cedar Crest Distance Dietetic Intern.